Résiliation, hausse des cotisations et des franchises, réduction des garanties : des municipalités s’échinent à trouver un assureur et doivent se résoudre à payer beaucoup plus cher quand ils en dénichent un. Normalisation du marché, rétorquent les groupes pour leur défense.
This article reports on the increasing difficulty municipalities in France are facing in securing insurance coverage.
Main conceptual idea:
Due to rising costs, reduced coverage, and contract cancellations, many French mayors are struggling to find and afford adequate insurance for their communities. Companies cite market normalization as justification for these changes. This situation is creating financial strain and forcing municipalities to take extreme measures, such as limiting their own liability by banning certain activities.
The article highlights a growing crisis in municipal insurance and its impact on local governance.
This article reports on the increasing difficulty municipalities in France are facing in securing insurance coverage. Main conceptual idea: Due to rising costs, reduced coverage, and contract cancellations, many French mayors are struggling to find and afford adequate insurance for their communities. Companies cite market normalization as justification for these changes. This situation is creating financial strain and forcing municipalities to take extreme measures, such as limiting their own liability by banning certain activities. The article highlights a growing crisis in municipal insurance and its impact on local governance.